How to prepare for your gymnastics competition

(and how to make sure you have loads of fun while you're there!)


As gymnasts, we work really hard at making our routines look amazing ready for our next competition. If you’re new to competing though it can feel quite scary because you might not know what to expect.

Don’t worry, gymnastics meets and celebration events are actually lots of fun! Here’s how you can prepare to make sure you have the best time:


  1. Pack your bag the night before
    On the morning of the competition you want to be calm and cool as a cucumber! If you get everything ready the evening before your meet you’ll have less to worry about in the morning, so you won’t get flustered or run late.

  2. Get lots of sleep
    We know it might be tricky to sleep because you’re so excited for the next day but try and get lots of rest before your competition. You’ll be able to perform much better the next day if you’re not feeling slow and sleepy.
  3. Take it easy on the week of your competition
    The last thing you want is to miss out on your meet because of an injury. Make sure that you’re listening to your coach and only doing exercises that they’ve taught you to do – now isn’t the time to try and do a backflip for the first time!
  4. Arrive early
    Make sure you arrive with enough time to warm up properly and say hi to your friends before you start. If your friend is there, be sure to give each other a boost and make yourselves feel good before your event to give you an extra bit of confidence.
  5. Make sure you warm up properly
    Follow your coach’s instructions and make sure that you’re warmed up really well so that you can perform your routine to the best of your ability without getting hurt. It’s also really great for using up any nervous energy you might have before you perform

  6. Drink lots of water
    With all the excitement of a competition, it can be easy to forget to drink your water. Make sure you have a bottle with you and take lots of sips throughout the day to help give you energy and then cool you down after your routine.
  7. Keep calm
    It’s normal to feel a bit nervous before your event – it means you want to do really well! However, sometimes if we let ourselves get too nervous it can be harder to perform because we make more mistakes and we’re not having a good time. To help yourself feel calmer, take lots of deep breaths right down to your belly. It can also help to use a phrase that you repeat to yourself throughout the day (called a Mantra), like ‘I can do this’ or ‘just try your best’.

    Meditation is also a great way to help you stay calm and focused ready for your routine. Ask your grown up or coach to find a video on YouTube or an app like Headspace or Calm. We’ve put some of our favourites at the end for you to try out.
  8. Remember your coaches and grown-ups are here for you
    The adults that are with you want you to have a great time at your competition! If you have any problems at all and you’re still feeling very worried, be sure to let them know and they’ll try to help you in any way that they can.
  9. Try your best and have fun!
    Ultimately, a competition is a time for you to do your favourite sport and show off all of the amazing things you’ve learned with us at Beth Tweddle Gymnastics! There’s no need to worry about how well you do or to compare yourself to the other gymnasts there. Whatever happens, remind yourself that you’ve tried your best and give yourself a big pat on the back for all of the hard work that you’ve put in to be there!


We have a great events calendar of events to look forward to over the next few months, there is always something amazing around the corner that you can set your sight on with your BTG family.

Check out our events calendar here for more on what’s coming up in the next few months >

If you want to discover the joy of gymnastics and take part in competitions but don’t know where to start, why not try one of our FREE taster sessions and come and experience why we think it’s the best sport on the world!

Meditation videos:

For younger ones

Magic Treehouse []

Rainbow Waterfall []


For older ones

Practice your mindfulness with Dr Ranj []

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety []


For getting to sleep

Calm Kids Sleep Story - Capn' Dreambeard []

CBeebies Wind Down for Kids []
