Choosing the right gymnastics program for your child- everything you need to know

Choosing the right gymnastics program for your child can sometimes feel a bit tricky. As a parent, you want to make sure your child is happy, and the program you choose suits them.

Gymnastics can be incredible for physical and mental health, socialisation and developing life skills… and of course burning off some of that excess energy!

Whether you’re looking to help baby develop their movement and social skills, or your little one has been inspired by some of the amazing team GB gymnastics and said they’d like to compete one day, we want to put your mind at ease about how to choose the right gymnastics program for your child.

That’s why we’ve put together everything you need to look out for when choosing gymnastics as an activity, so you can feel confident that you’re making the right decision.



Firstly, you’re going to want to find a gymnastics program that is age appropriate. Babies and toddlers require a very different approach, and energy levels, to 8-year-olds who are desperate to learn more advanced skills. Having age-appropriate classes helps every child get the most out of their sessions. 

At Beth Tweddle Gymnastics, we cater for all age groups, from Beth Tweddle Baby Stars, a unique baby movement class for babies aged 0-2yrs, which is centred around active, sensory play and aimed at developing key physical movement, social skills and having fun (aswell as being a fantastic opportunity to spend some quality time for you and your baby!)

For older children, a great introduction to gymnastics and active movement can be made with our Gym Stars classes, designed for 2–7-year-olds. Working through our Beth Tweddle Gym Stars awards scheme where our little gymnasts can learn the fundamental moves of the sport, our expert coaches promote having fun, making new friends and enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle- all while achieving some amazing badges, certificates and stickers along the way.

As your child reaches 8+ years old, our Beth Tweddle Academy sessions allow them to not only develop their gymnastics skills but develop the whole child through teaching life-skills such as determination, teamwork, and perseverance. These fun and structured 2 hour long sessions are run by passionate qualified coaches and your gymnast can continue to achieve badges, certificates and stickers on the way.

Making sure that the program you’re signing your child up to is suitable for their age and current abilities…with the option to develop their gymnastic skills even further if that’s something they choose to do, is the main thing to look out for when choosing gymnastics as a new hobby for your child.




Secondly, what does your child want to get out of gymnastics? Or if it’s for your baby or toddler, what do you want to get out of it?

It’s so important to know what the goal is, to ensure that you pick the right program for them. 

It might be that your child wants to just have fun, make new friends, or learn how to cartwheel and tumble while earning as many badges and certificates as possible! But as a parent you’d like to ensure they’re staying active and learning valuable life skills as well.

Either way, we’ve got you covered!

We believe that gymnastics isn’t just about the physical skills that your little one will develop. Our programmes are designed to encourage friendships and confidence building, as well as feeling like they belong to a group who share the same love of gymnastics with them- the BTG family!



Having knowledgeable and experienced coaches is crucial for your child’s progress, safety, and enjoyment. When looking for a gymnastics program, be sure that the coaches emphasise quality movement, technique and warmups.

But more importantly than that, you want staff and coaches that are friendly, welcoming and FUN for your children! 

Our friendly Beth Tweddle Gymnastics Coaches focus on the joy of gymnastics as well as teaching them all the fun new gymnastics skills and techniques that they’ll be crying out to learn.

They are fully qualified and able to adapt to your little one’s needs, abilities, and progress, as well as encourage and support them through every step of their journey. We’re confident that you’ll soon see gymnastics become your child’s favourite part of the week!




Is there the correct equipment available for what your child is looking for? Can they progress and try new things out if they enjoy it there? 

Are the facilities clean, safe, and family friendly?

Our Beth Tweddle Gymnastics centres are focussed on being family friendly and the perfect environment for your child to practice and grow. In our centres we have a parent’s waiting area where you can enjoy a cup of tea and watch your bundle of joy socialising, developing, and making new friends safe in the knowledge that they are being looked after by our passionate, dedicated coaches.



And we’ve left (possibly) the most important until last.

It must be FUN! 

After all, having fun makes learning more effective… And the more they learn, the more fun they will have.

We believe that programmes that are planned around fun activities, instead of just the progression and learning of techniques, help children develop a life-long love of gymnastics and healthy lifestyles.



We hope this helps you decide on a gymnastics program for your child. Remember it must be right for you and your child, so speak to the coaches, check out the facilities and watch your little ones in action to ensure that they’re having fun and enjoying their new gymnastics journey.


Start your child’s exciting journey and jump into one of our FREE friendly taster sessions to discover the joy of gymnastics for yourself.
